The PPR Committee is the bridge between the congregation and the staff of the church. The committee helps the pastor set priorities for leadership and service in the church. The committee is responsible to the Church Council to recommend additional staff when the needs of the church dictate change. The committee is responsible to hire, evaluate, and when required, terminate the employment of staff members.
The committee also is responsible for the annual recommendation to the District Superintendent concerning the retention of the current pastor. The committee establishes work responsibilities and work schedules for all paid staff hired by the church.
The PPR Committee also establishes personnel policies for staff and for volunteers. This includes job descriptions for each hired employee and policies for volunteers. The Child Protection Policy is the responsibility of the PPR Committee (it is available on the website, in the nursery, or in the church office).
The PPR Committee is the only committee whose deliberations are confidential and whose meetings are closed to others in the congregation for general participation.
If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding the pastor, a staff member, or any of our personnel policies, please contact any member of the PPR. The list of committee members is on the information table in the social hall.