Students using our computers in Medor, Haiti. This school recently had a 100% passing grade on the Baccalaureate test for their 2018 grade 13 graduates.
Bethel Computers For Education was started almost 25 years ago when its founder, Denny Baumann, learned of a need for desktop computers in a mission school located in Walls, MS. Denny was able to get 12 computers donated from individuals which then enabled the school to teach “keyboarding” to the children. That project grew to where we were providing computers to schools located throughout the US. Word of our outreach efforts spread and we soon got requests from churches of different denominations for computers to run afterschool programs for children in poorer communities. All of this required more computers than “private donations” could provide. We have been blessed with an offer from Fauquier County Public Schools ( FCPS ) which not only provides us with an adequate number of used computers, but also requires us to “give back” to students in Fauquier County who qualify under Title 1 USC.
Our agreement with FCPS comes with the understanding that we will use these computers for general education rather than donate them to individuals for personal use. This understanding works very well with the mission work of Bethel UMC. Our outreach has now extended to countries throughout the world. Mission teams from both churches and other charitable organizations regularly ask for computers so that they can bring “technology” to some of the poorest schools worldwide. To date, we have donated over 4,000 computers to these schools.

Students in a computer lab in Ft. Liberte, Haiti. Notice the desk made from plywood.
BCFE has also developed a computer device which is called Internet In A Box (IIAB). One version of this modified laptop computer is used in schools which either have NO INTERNET available to them, or simply can’t afford to use it if it is available. It contains all of Wikipedia in English, French, Spanish and Creole plus over 2,000 books and an off-line educational resource called Kolibri. Kolibri has an extensive selection of lectures in Math, Science, Technology, Arts, History etc. and runs in English, French or Spanish. Another version of IIAB is used in medical clinics which are located in remote locations, without INTERNET access. It contains a large selection of medical educational materials which are of benefit to both nurses and patients in these countries. Some of these materials are videos which nurses and doctors find useful as part of their patient education efforts. Subjects such as Preventing Cholera and STDs, proper nutrition for infants and children, breastfeeding etc. are covered in multiple languages.

I am working with some teachers at a school in Terrier Rouge, Haiti to familiarize them with the Linux Operating System.
Feedback from schools and clinics in Haiti, countries within Africa, and other countries has been very positive. We are convinced that we can make a difference in the lives of the poor by improving their education. Donations to this effort in the form of money, computers and volunteers are always appreciated. We will continue to perform this outreach as long as the resources to do so exist. Questions or comments about this effort should be directed to Denny at (540) 878-3056.