Contact: Pastor Nadeem
Lead the responsive greeting, lead the unison prayer, read the assigned scriptures, and on communion Sunday assist in administering communion. Scheduled six months ahead. Lector Guidelines
Contact: Tom Ferrell
Greet people, provide them a bulletin, help them find a seat, give welcome bags as directed by the pastor, collect offering, direct people to communion at communion services, straighten/clean up the pews following the service, collect all attendance sheets and give them to the pastor. Scheduled six months ahead. Usher Guidelines
Acolyte (ages 7-12)
Contact: Nancy Pinson
Come to the worship service at least 10 minutes early to put on robe and pray with those leading worship. Light the candles on the communion table as the service begins, give the offering plates to the ushers and receive them after the offering. put out the candles as the service ends and extinguish the candles. The acolyte assists in holding the gluten-free elements during communion. Worship Chair or Children’s Ministry Director will provide training.
Provide Children’s Message
Contact: Pastor Nadeem
Create and deliver a children’s message during that portion of the worship service. Usually delivered by the Pastor or Children’s Ministry Director but other volunteers are welcome.
Provide Special Music During Worship
Contact: Pat Martin
Share your musical talents by singing a special song or playing an instrument as a part of the worship service.
Prayer Team
Contact: Karla Yocum
There are three different prayer opportunities:
Our prayer blankets. Bea Keefer makes a blanket at the request of Pastor David. Within this blanket are pieces of yarn that will need to be tied into knots. Each knot represents a prayer that has been prayed for the individual that will be receiving this blanket.
Wednesday evening prayer group: 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. We pray for the world, the ministries of Bethel, our leaders and those on our prayer list.
Sunday Worship: A member of the prayer team prays for our Pastor, our congregation and ministries during our worship service.
Contact: Pat Martin
Share your singing talents by making a joyful noise with the choir. Ability to read music is not required but is helpful. Choir meets for practice Thursday nights from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. and 9:10 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. We practice anthems several weeks ahead so if you miss a practice you might still be ready for a coming week. The choir takes a break during the summer.
Contact: Crystal Taylor
Prepare and teach a weekly Sunday school class as the primary teacher or a substitute. Presently we have a toddler, elementary school, and a middle school group. To accept this position you must have a police background check.
Contact: Crystal Taylor
Our insurance requires that we have two non-related adults in each Sunday school class. The teacher assistant helps with the class administration and is here to fulfill our requirement for two persons. To participate in this position you must have a police background check.
Organize and teach a Bible study for a selected group of people for a short-term, specified length of time or facilitate one of our long-term Disciple Bible studies.
Organize and lead a small group to create a covenant of Christian action and activity in the four areas of worship, devotion, justice and compassion. Meet regularly to support each other in faithful Christian activity and to hold each other accountable to the covenant agreement.
Work with Our Youth
Contact: Joice Fredenburgh, Sandra Colvin and Karla Yocum
Organize, lead, and inspire our youth in living their faith through Fellowship, study, and Christian action. To participate in this position you must have a police background check.
Parking Guides
Contact: Lewis Lee
Direct people to open parking spaces before each service, greet them as they enter. Parking and Usher Guidelines
Worship Assistants
Contact: Nancy Pinson
To assure the worship space and supporting materials are prepared for worship. The sanctuary should be a place where people are welcomed to be in the presence of God. The space should be in such a condition that makes it easy for people to worship; makes people feel respected and welcomed. Worship Assistants
Join the Tech Team
Contact: Roger Broadbent
Assist with the audio and video equipment during each Sunday service.