Saturday, November 9, 2024 from 8:00am to 1:00pm
The Bethel Holiday Bazaar is an event full of beautiful hand-made crafts, vintage items, holiday decorations, jewelry, and much, much more for sale.
Come one, come all!

What goes on during the Bazaar?
- Famous Cookie Walk – You get an empty container in your choice of size, then you browse the varieties available that are layed out on tables. You pick your favorites and fill your container. Instead of cookies displayed on open trays, the cookies will be in clear sandwich bags holding 2-3 cookies and labeled as to kind. The bags will be displayed by kinds/flavors and you can make your choices and fill your container. We will provide a plastic glove to each customer to wear while picking up your choices.
- Homemade Jams & Jellies
- Bake Sale – Yummy home-made baked goods including cakes, pies and breads
- Handcrafted items created by the church’s many talented crafters, woodworkers, seamstresses and needle workers will be available at bargain prices.

All proceeds will go to United Methodist Women and other church missions.
If you’re willing to help us out for the bazaar, we need all kinds of goodies to sell! Please follow the link to see how you can help.
Contact Donna Broadbent or Ava Lee if you’d like to make any special arrangements for delivery
times or have other questions. Contacts: Donna at or 347-0153; Ava at or 347-7805.
Sponsored by the UMW.